Healthy Aging Community Collaboratives
The vision for BC is a province-wide network of Healthy Aging Community Collaboratives that strengthen partnerships within and amongst communities and enhance the CBSS sector’s ability to support older adults. This new model will require agencies to work collaboratively to support seniors in their communities through improved referrals and coordination among CBSS agencies and other sectors, particularly health partners and local government.
Funding is available to Community Collaboratives that require financial support to enhance seniors-focused collaboration amongst agencies within their region. This can include costs for venue rentals, food, facilitators, etc. Between $1,000-$5,000 is available per Community Collaborative/Health Service Delivery Areas (HSDA) and Local Health Areas (LHA).
Please note: This funding is not for service delivery. CBSS organizations wanting to apply for funding should agree on, and designate, a single organization to apply on behalf of the present/developing Community Collaborative.